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Library: Radio-Carbon Dating Proves a Young Earth

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Radio-Carbon Dating Proves a Young Earth
By Bob Knopf

Radiocarbon dating has limitations and has been misused. It cannot date fossils and rocks and can only date objects that are a few thousand years old, not millions of years old.

Background. Although we’ve been taught that radiological dating methods are accurate, they have limitations. Radiological dating gives rather extreme age variation, and its interpretation requires many assumptions. Each year scientists keep adding more time to the age of the earth and to the rock layers to make geological evolution seem more “plausible.” A review of science books over the last 20 years shows on average (if you believe the textbooks), the earth is growing older by 28 million years each year. The truth is that new scientific discoveries and radiocarbon dating prove that evolution is a hoax.

Carbon Dating.
Radiocarbon dating can only date an object that is about 30,000 or so years old. It has a half life or decay rate of 5,360 years, and after 5-7 half lives, it becomes too small to measure. This means that radiocarbon dating methods aren’t usable for dating older objects. We can only use radiocarbon dating to date items several thousand years old.

If earth is billions of years old (it isn’t), radioactive carbon (C14) should be absent from the early formed rock layers deep in the earth because it would have decayed to an un-measurable level. However, recent studies, such as the “Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth” (RATE) study have found C14 in measurable levels from diamonds carefully removed from more than a mile below the earth’s surface. They found radiocarbon when none could be present if the earth were millions of years old. This finding,  by itself, conclusively proves the earth is relatively young, approximately 6,000 years old.

Rocks & Fossils.
Rocks, minerals, and fossils cannot be dated accurately by any known scientific method, including radiometric techniques. When we read that a fossil is millions or billions of years old, these are merely beliefs or opinions and not based on science.

For example, a rock aged by two different scientists using the most advanced radiometric technique was reported to be 10,000 years old by one scientist. The other scientist aged the same rock at several billion years.

Living Snails.
Another absurdity is that living snails were aged at 27,000 years old by radiometric dating methods. Errors of 1000% or more are common, but the public has been duped into believing radiometric dating is a highly accurate technique and proves an old age of the earth. On the contrary, radiometric dating proves the earth is young.

Another indicator is helium. Nuclear decay creates helium, which is easily lost to the air. The large amount of helium that can still be found in rock layers today indicates the earth is between 4,000 and 10,000 years old, not billions of years old.

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